Dalby, Wendland & Co. News

Buy or Lease Business Equipment

Life presents us with many choices: paper or plastic, chocolate or vanilla, regular or decaf. For businesses, a common conundrum is buy or lease. You’ve probably faced this decision when considering office space or a location for your company’s production facilities. But the buy or lease business equipment quandary also

2021-04-12T14:55:12-06:00May 28th, 2019|

Tax Savings for Electric Vehicles

While the number of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) is still small compared with other cars on the road, it’s growing — especially in certain parts of the country. If you’re interested in purchasing an electric or hybrid vehicle, you may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up

2021-04-12T14:55:27-06:00May 15th, 2019|

Estate Planning for Single Parents

According to Pew Research Center’s most recent poll, the percentage of U.S. children who live with an unmarried parent has jumped from 13% in 1968 to 32% in 2017. While estate planning for single parents is similar to estate planning for families with two parents, when only one parent is

2021-04-12T14:55:27-06:00May 15th, 2019|

Have a Business Turnaround Strategy

Many businesses have a life cycle that, as life cycles tend to do, concludes with a period of decline and failure. Often, the demise of a company is driven by internal factors — such as weak financial oversight, lack of management consensus or one-person rule. External factors typically contribute, as

2021-04-12T14:55:28-06:00May 15th, 2019|

Why CPA Designation Matters

The accounting profession is largely self-regulated by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Part of its mission involves the development and enforcement of a broad range of standards for the profession. There is no requirement that you have to be a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to do

2021-04-12T14:55:28-06:00May 7th, 2019|

Add Spendthrift Language to Your Trust

Protecting assets from creditors is a critical aspect of estate planning, but you need to think about more than just your own creditors. You also need to consider your heirs’ creditors. Adding spendthrift language to a trust benefiting your heirs can help safeguard assets. Spendthrift language explained Despite its name,

2021-04-12T14:55:28-06:00May 1st, 2019|
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