5 Questions Single Parents Should Ask For Estate Planning
In many respects, estate planning for single parents is similar to that of families with two parents. Parents want to provide for their children’s care and financial needs after they’re gone. However, when only one parent is involved, certain aspects of an estate plan demand special attention. If you’re a
Business Tax Limit Increases for 2025
A variety of tax-related limits that affect businesses are indexed annually based on inflation. Many have increased for 2025, but with inflation cooling, the increases aren’t as great as they have been in the last few years. Here are some amounts that may affect you and your business. 2025 Business
2025 Tax Limits
Chances are, you’re more concerned about your 2024 tax return right now than you are about your 2025 tax situation. That’s understandable because your 2024 individual tax return is due to be filed by April 15 (unless you file for an extension). However, it’s a good time to familiarize yourself
Answers to Questions About Taking IRA Withdrawals
Once you reach age 73, tax law requires you to begin taking withdrawals — called Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) — from your traditional IRA, SIMPLE IRA and SEP IRA. Since funds can’t stay in these accounts indefinitely, it’s important to understand the rules behind RMDs, which can be pretty complex.
Estate Planning for Spouses Who are Non-U.S. Citizens
Traditional estate planning strategies generally are based on the assumption that all family members involved are U.S. citizens. However, if you or your spouse is a noncitizen, special rules apply that require additional planning. Avoid costly tax traps by understanding how the U.S. gift and estate tax laws apply to
What Auditors Watch for When Interviewing Company Personnel
Auditing standards require auditors to identify and assess the risks of material misstatement due to fraud and to determine overall and specific responses to those risks. Here are some answers to questions about what auditors assess when interviewing company personnel to evaluate potential fraud risks. What’s on your auditor’s radar?
Can you relocate your trust to a tax-friendlier state?
It’s not uncommon for people who live in states with high income taxes to relocate to states with more favorable tax climates. Did you know that you can use a similar strategy for certain trusts? Indeed, if a trust is subject to high state income tax, you may be able
Beneficial Tax Breaks and Strategies for College Savings
As higher education costs continue to rise, you may be concerned about how to save and pay for college. Fortunately, several tools and strategies offered in the U.S. tax code may help ease the financial burden. Below is an overview of some of the most beneficial tax breaks and planning
What are retained earnings and why do they matter?
Owners’ equity is the difference between the assets and liabilities reported on your company’s balance sheet. It’s generally composed of two pieces: capital contributions and retained earnings. The former represents the amounts owners have paid into the business and stock repurchases, but the latter may be less familiar. Here’s an
DWC CPAs and Advisors Announces Recent Promotions
DWC CPAs and Advisors is pleased to announce the following promotions. We congratulate these exemplary professionals as they represent our core values of integrity, quality, and community investment and core purpose to help our clients, people, and communities to be better. Seth C. Knighton, EA, to Tax Manager Seth began