

Taking Distributions from an IRA

Although planning is needed to help build the biggest possible nest egg in your traditional IRA (including a SEP-IRA and SIMPLE-IRA), it’s even more critical that you plan for withdrawals from these tax-deferred retirement vehicles. There are three areas where knowing the fine points of the IRA distribution rules can

December 15th, 2020|

Accrual-Basis Accounting and Cutoffs

As year end approaches, it’s a good idea for calendar-year entities to review the guidelines for recognizing revenue and expenses. There are specific rules regarding accounting cutoffs under U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Strict observance of these rules is generally the safest game plan. The Basics Companies that follow

December 1st, 2020|

IRS Releases Additional Guidance on PPP Loan Forgiveness

The IRS has released new guidance on various aspects of PPP loan forgiveness. Below are summaries of the key provisions. Revenue Procedure 2020-51 provides a safe harbor for certain Paycheck Protection Program loan participants, whose loan forgiveness has been partially or fully denied, or who decide to forego requesting loan

November 19th, 2020|

Preparing for the Possibility of a Remote Audit

The coming audit season might be much different than seasons of yore. As many companies continue to operate remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, audit procedures are being adjusted accordingly. Here’s what might change as auditors work on your company’s 2020 year-end financial statements. Eye on Technology Fortunately, when the pandemic

November 17th, 2020|
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