

Why Cash is King

In financial reporting, investors and business owners tend to focus on four key metrics: 1) revenue, 2) net income, 3) total assets and 4) net worth. But, when it comes to gauging short-term financial performance and creditworthiness, cash flow is what counts. If a business doesn’t have enough cash on

November 19th, 2019|

Rules of Deducting Business Losses

Sole proprietorships and pass-through entity structures, which include partnerships, S corporations and certain limited liability companies (LLCs), provide owners with some valuable tax benefits, such as avoidance of double taxation and the potential ability to deduct losses from the business on their individual tax returns. However, the Tax Cuts and

November 5th, 2019|

The Kiddie Tax

The “kiddie tax” name sounds cute, but it is not what it may seem. Changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) makes the tax more serious and now, children with unearned income could wind up in a tax bracket higher than that of their parents. However, the

October 29th, 2019|

Understanding the TCJA Limit on Interest Expense Deductions

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) introduced a variety of tax benefits for businesses, including  slashing corporate income tax rates, temporarily reducing individual rates, and it established a new 20% deduction for certain pass-through income. However, the TCJA also placed limits on several tax breaks, including the amount for

October 15th, 2019|
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