Businesses should beware when searching online for QuickBooks support. Scammers posing as Intuit employees are posting fake phone numbers and contact information pretending to offer support services.
When businesses call, the purported tech support person (oftentimes located outside the US) asks to remote login to their computer to take a look at the issue or error message. They then tell the business that their QuickBooks data file is corrupt, it will cost hundreds of dollars to fix, and they should send their data file to an email address for repair. If the business becomes nervous or suspect, the scammers turn rude and argumentative.
Intuit has confirmed these scams are becoming more common. To help protect your financial information, we recommend you contact a local certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor for support (Dalby Wendland has ProAdvisors in each office). You can also be connected with valid Intuit technical support within the QuickBooks application under the “Help” feature.
Contact one of our ProAdvisors today for questions.