

When to File a Gift Tax Return

If you made gifts last year you may be wondering if you need to file a gift tax return. The short answer: There are many situations when it’s necessary (or desirable) to file Form 709 — “United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return” — even if you’re not liable

March 21st, 2023|

Supreme Court Ruled: Overtime Rules Still Apply to Highly Compensated Employees

If you were told someone earns more than $200,000 annually, you might assume the person is a salaried employee who’s ineligible for overtime pay. However, as demonstrated in the recent U.S. Supreme Court case of Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc. v. Hewitt, this isn’t always a safe assumption. The FLSA

March 21st, 2023|

Some Helpful Specialized Functions in QuickBooks

QuickBooks® provides an all-in-one solution that helps some small and medium-sized businesses manage their finances. While QuickBooks provides the accounting backbone for many companies, it has advanced features that go beyond basic bookkeeping tasks. For example, the time-tracking functionality in QuickBooks captures the hours spent on a specific project and

March 14th, 2023|
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