Current Rules for the Child Tax Credit
If you’re a parent, you may be confused about the rules for claiming the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The rules and credit amounts have changed significantly over the last six years. This tax break became more generous in 2018 than it was under prior law — and it became even
Tax Breaks to Claim Once Your Child Begins College
If you have a child or grandchild in college — congratulations! To help pay for the expenses, many parents and grandparents saved for years in tax-favored accounts, such as 529 plans. But there are also a number of tax breaks that you may be able to claim once your child
Business Startups Should Avoid These Accounting Errors
Accounting is a critical element when launching a successful business venture. Unfortunately, it’s also an area where startups tend to make mistakes. Here are some common (and avoidable) errors that entrepreneurs should watch out for. Failing to Track Expenses Starting a new business is exciting — and it’s natural to
Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 Introduces Key Changes for Workplace Retirement Plans
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law No. 117-328) that was signed into law on December 29, 2022 by President Joe Biden includes the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, which introduces over 90 changes to the federal rules governing workplace retirement plans. This landmark legislation builds on the original SECURE
Inflation Reduction Act: Costs and Benefits for Real Estate and Construction
The Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA’s) expansion of key energy efficiency tax incentives – such as the 179D energy efficient commercial buildings deduction and the 45L new energy efficient home credit – is anticipated to have a significant impact on real estate and construction industry. The legislation could provide a significant financial boost for firms
Know the Rules on Business Travel
Are you working on this year's tax return or planning for the future? Either way, you should know the rules on business travel tax deductions. According to the IRS, whether someone travels for work once a year or once a month, figuring out travel expense tax write-offs might seem confusing.
DWC Professional Chris West Attains Financial Planning Credential
Dalby, Wendland & Co., P.C., (DWC) is pleased to announce that DWC professional Christopher L. West, CPA, has obtained the Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) credential from the American Institute of CPAs. Chris is the CEO and a Principal of Dalby, Wendland & Co., P.C., and DWC Wealth Advisors. The PFS
Tax Limits Affecting Businesses Increase for 2023
An array of tax-related limits that affect businesses are indexed annually, and due to high inflation, many have increased more than usual for 2023. Here are some that may be important to you and your business. Social Security tax The amount of employees’ earnings that are subject to Social
FAQs on 2023 Limits for Individual Taxes
Many people are more concerned about their 2022 tax bills right now than they are about their 2023 tax situations. That’s understandable because your 2022 individual tax return is due to be filed in 10 weeks (unless you file an extension). However, it’s a good time to familiarize yourself with
Coming Soon! 5 New Accounting Rules
It can be challenging to keep track of which accounting rules are changing, when the changes kick in and for which types of entities. Plus, implementing the necessary revisions to your organization’s procedures and systems often takes time and resources. Here are five updates that go live for certain entities