Merging or Acquiring a Business? Get a QOE Report.
Whether you’re considering selling your business or acquiring another one, due diligence is a must. In many mergers and acquisitions (M&A), prospective buyers obtain a quality of earnings (QOE) report to evaluate the accuracy and sustainability of the seller’s reported earnings. Sometimes sellers get their own QOE reports to spot
Local Transportation Costs – What Your Business Can Deduct
You and your small business are likely to incur a variety of local transportation costs each year. There are various tax implications for these expenses. First, what is “local transportation?” It refers to travel in which you aren’t away from your tax home (the city or general area in which
Life Insurance Still Important in Estate Planning
Because the federal gift and estate tax exemption amount currently is $12.06 million, fewer people need life insurance to provide their families with the liquidity to pay estate taxes. But life insurance can still play an important part in your estate plan, particularly in conjunction with charitable remainder trusts (CRTs)
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Can Help Employers
In today’s tough job market and economy, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) may help employers. Many business owners are hiring and should be aware that the WOTC is available to employers that hire workers from targeted groups who face significant barriers to employment. The credit is worth as much
Effects of Inflation on Your 2022 and 2023 Tax Bills
The effects of inflation are all around. You’re probably paying more for gas, food, health care and other expenses than you were last year. Are you wondering how high inflation will affect your federal income tax bill for 2023? The IRS recently announced next year’s inflation-adjusted tax amounts for several
Beware the Five-Year Rule for Roth IRA Withdrawals
What makes Roth IRAs so appealing? Primarily, it’s the ability to withdraw money from them tax-free. But to enjoy this benefit, there are a few rules you must follow, including the widely misunderstood five-year rule. 3 Types of Withdrawals To understand the five-year rule, you first need to understand the
Deferring a Tax Hit With a 1031 (Like-Kind) Exchange
Do you own commercial or investment real estate that has substantially increased in value? If you sell the property, you may be hit with a huge capital gain tax liability. Possible solution: Consider a Section 1031 exchange (also known as a like-kind exchange) in which you swap qualifying properties while
2023 401(k) and IRA Limits
The IRS has announced that the amount individuals can contribute to their 401(k) plans in 2023 has increased to $22,500, up from $20,500 for 2022. This also applies to 403(b), most 457 plans, and the federal government's Thrift Savings Plan. Also increasing is the catch-up contribution limit for employees aged 50
Annual Tax Adjustments for 2023
The Internal Revenue Service has released the tax year 2023 annual inflation adjustments for dozens of tax provisions, including the tax rate schedules and other tax changes. Here are some of the key changes. Standard Deduction The standard deduction for married couples filing jointly for tax year 2023 rises to
Are tax-free municipal bonds really tax free?
If you’re interested in investing in tax-free municipal bonds, you may wonder if they’re really free of taxes. While the investment generally provides tax-free interest on the federal (and possibly state) level, there may be tax consequences. Here’s how the rules work. Purchasing a Bond If you buy a tax-exempt